My Dream for Poilieve's Opening Night Fire Side Chat with the Nation.
Teddy Roosefelt did them and it seemed to work.
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Please, Mr. Poilievre, take out the cardigan, put some wood on the fire and take a seat.
Fireside chats were a series of informal radio broadcasts delivered by President Franklin D. Roosevelt (FDR) between 1933 and 1944. These broadcasts revolutionised how leaders communicated with their citizens, making complex issues accessible while fostering a sense of trust and connection during some of the most challenging times in American history.
This is my dream fireside chat for Poilieve to give on his first night in office.
If PP and the Cons only get in as a minority or don’t get in, Canada’s economic goose will be cooked. This will only embolden the hubristic dreams of WEF-trained politicians who can see the economic collapse and still tell themselves that things are going well.
Such ‘leaders’ are too selfish and stupid to understand how to create prosperity of spirit and wealth.
As humans, we fatally confuse the combination of confidence and many words with what we think is intelligence. This is a dangerous and costly error.
We can no longer rely on the wisdom of two people without economic training: one who barely worked and lived off a trust fund and the other who was not humbled or ready to alter her course even after she drove her division of Reuters into the ground.
Hubris is a powerful force. The capacity of such men and women to lie to themselves in the face of overwhelming evidence is astounding. A team of psychologists could not sort them out.
It seems symbolically portrayed in a PM who waves to non-existent followers as he sits on his plane. He believes the population loves him, and if they swear at him, they are too thick to understand his enlightened thinking.
Good evening, my fellow Canadians.
It’s time for some plain speaking and common sense. I am not here to tell you that what you see with your eyes is wrong, that any negative perception of our country is an ugly mirage or that, as my predecessor said, things are going well.
The late and disgraced Liberals never tired of gaslighting Canadians and telling them that all was well. They told Canadians that their hardships were delusions resulting from a poor attitude. They said our fellow citizens were just having a vibe session and were not bright enough to see how wonderful Liberal economic stewardship had been.
The people are and were not wrong. The government has been wrong.
Canada is in serious trouble, and we must face this reality with clarity and courage. We’ve been coasting on borrowed time for years—living beyond our means, failing to address structural problems in our economy, and letting complacency take root. To secure our future, we must act now as adults and realise that we must not simply defer hard choices to someone else down the line.
A Time for Priorities
For too long, Canadian governments have failed to prioritise. They have treated every issue as urgent, every demand equally deserving, and every voice equally vital to the national agenda. In doing so, they have spread our resources thin, diluted our focus, and left critical challenges unaddressed.
We live in a finite world where neither time nor money is unlimited, and we must face the reality that we cannot have everything. I want to speak plainly about foundational issues crucial to our nation's strength and prosperity. We must commit to these priorities, not as short-term fixes but as the cornerstones of a better future.
Our path forward demands that we choose wisely, act boldly, and let go of the distractions that have kept us from achieving our full potential as a country.