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When I mentioned this title to an old friend, I quickly received the response, "But I am 100% self-aware."
That was rather telling.
If we were truly aware of our limitations, flaws, and lack of actual control over our lives, perhaps many would be hiding in a bunker, clutching a bottle of ouzo and muttering about the meaninglessness of it all.
Thankfully, nature has gifted us with a force to keep us moving forward: self-delusion. It allows us to march through life with confidence (sometimes misplaced), optimism (often misguided), and a firm belief that we’re in control (we’re not).
Even the prophet Jeremiah said our hearts were deceitful about everything and wondered, “Who can understand it?”
We simply can’t hold two conflicting beliefs, so when reality doesn’t align with our self-concept, we must maintain our self-esteem, avoid discomfort, and thus guard our sanity.